
用英语为你解读:找到最好的赚钱机器 Find the best money machine 一个成功的公司,应该努力找到最好的员工,留住最好的员工,让所有人都成为最 好的员工。A successful company should try to find the best employees, keep the best employees, and let everyone become the best employees. 这就等于找到了最好的赚钱机器。This is tantamount to finding the best money machine. 许多领导却难以跨越这一栏杆。Many leaders find it difficult to cross this barrier.他们权衡 得失,挑选最好的,付出的工资却是最低的。他们雇用短期员工,担心在淡季时多付工 资。They weigh the gains and losses, choose the best, but pay the lowest wages. They hire short-term staff and worry about overpaying in the off-season.

作为一名成功的领导,你必须不惜重金去我到一些最好的员工,这当然需要花费一定 的时间、精力和资源。As a successful leader, you must pay a lot of money to get some of the best employees, which of course requires a certain amount of time, energy and resources.这种付出的结果是极为有利的。换句话说,你不能在雇用员工方面削 减开支和保持节俭,否则,你雇用的只是那些不大中用或根本无用之人。The result of this effort is extremely beneficial. In other words, you can't cut back and be frugal in hiring people, otherwise you're hiring people who are not useful or useful at all.

雇用员工时,要留心使用一些现代技术,如心理测试、笔迹测试、评价小组等,第一 印象也可能具有一些欺骗性。仅仅留意一下自己周围的大型公司,他们都擅用所谓最新 的科学技术去雇用那些他们认为的一流人才。When hiring employees, be careful to use some modern techniques, such as psychological tests, handwriting tests, evaluation groups, etc. First impressions can also be deceptive. Just keep an eye on the big companies around you, all of whom use the latest technology to hire what they consider to be top talent.

招聘员工是一件具有很高风险的事情,每雇用一名员工你就得冒一次风险,但你必 须承担这种风险。Hiring is a risky business. You have to take a risk for every employee you hire, but you have to take that risk. 你不可能因害怕风险而不聘用员工。否则,你就无法面对竞争者。尽 量花些时间测试每一位应聘者,尽力找出他们擅长什么,他们是否真正适合你的工作, 他们具有什么工作技能,你是否容易训练和改变他们。You can't avoid hiring people because you're afraid of risk. Otherwise, you can't face the competition. Try to take the time to test each candidate and try to find out what they are good at, whether they are really suitable for your job, what job skills they have, and whether you can easily train and change them. 因此,你应雇用那些具有态度积 极、性格良好、容易与你和员工相处的员工,他们还应诚实勇敢。同时,多研究一下他们 的应聘材料,了解一下他们有关的背景,充分进行面试。Therefore, you should hire employees who have a positive attitude, good personality, easy to get along with you and your employees, and they should also be honest and brave. At the same time, More research their application materials, learn about their relevant background, full interview.

招聘员工,不要完全指望第一次面试,第一印象往往具有某些欺骗性。你可以带上你挑选 的候选人员,带他们参观一下公司,观察他们对公司的兴趣程度,询问他们一些问题,让他们 介绍一下自己所做的事情,让他们每个人表述一下自己。When hiring, don't count on the first interview. First impressions can be deceiving. You can take your pick of candidates, show them around the company, see how interested they are in the company, ask them questions, ask them to describe what they have done, and ask each of them to describe themselves. 最后,你就可以知道哪些人员是最合 适的,哪些人可能比其他人更加出众。Finally, you can know which people are the best and which ones are likely to stand out better than others.

然而,你也不能完全依靠自己的判断,你越让更多的人参与录用员工,最后的决定 就越可能准确。However, you can't rely entirely on your own judgment, and the more people you involve in hiring employees, the more likely the final decision will be accurate. 同样重要的是,让你自己的上司也参与部分工作,你所选择的员工应该 在每个人面前都有说服力,而不仅仅是你自己。It's also important to include your own boss in some of the work, and the people you choose should be convincing to everyone, not just you. 仔细倾听你的上司、同事和员工事先提 出的意见,并慎重考虑。Listen carefully to your boss, colleagues, and employees advance ideas and consider them carefully.

更加进步的公司还能够让员工选择自己的上司,这种做法似乎有点奇特,但却更加 合理有效。More progressive companies are also able to let employees choose their own bosses, which may seem odd, but is more reasonable and effective. 然而,这不能作为录用新员工的基本规则,不要让其他人为你作出选择性的 决定,因为是你在对整个部门负责。However, this is not a ground rule for hiring new employees. Don't let other people make selective decisions for you, because you are responsible for the whole department.因此,你必须选择谁来为你工作,你可以让员工帮助 决定,但最后还得靠你个人来作出决定。Therefore, you have to choose who will work for you, and you can let the employees help you decide, but in the end, it is up to you personally to make the decision.

找到最好的员工加入你的部门,这也许是你作为上司面临的一个最大挑战。Finding the best employees to join your department may be one of the biggest challenges you face as a boss. 如 果你在这一方面决定正确,今后面临的问题可能就更少。If you make the right decision in this respect, you may face fewer problems in the future.最好的员工使你的工作十 分轻松容易,他们与顾客相处十分容易。既然如此,为何不去寻找一些最佳的员工 呢?那些不会微笑,不积极主动、根本没有想法的人似乎随处可见,雇用这样的人只 会使你变成像他们一样。The best employees make your job very easy and they make it easy to get along with customers. So why not look for some of the best employees? Hiring people who can't smile, who aren't proactive, who don't have an idea seems to be everywhere, will only make you like them.换句话说,要为顾客提供最好的服务,你必须拥有一些最 好的员工。In other words, to provide the best service to customers, you must have some of the best employees.



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