
COVID created a Billionaire every 30 hours

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 – 01:00

Print Edition World


The World Financial Discussion board (WEF) annual assembly is to be held in Davos, Switzerland.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new billionaire every 30 hours and now one million people could fall into extreme poverty at the same pace, Oxfam said Monday as the Davos Summit returns.


Oxfam:牛津饥荒救济委员会(Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)又叫乐施会。

The international charity said it was time to tax the rich to support the less fortunate as the global elite gathered at the Swiss mountain haven for the World Economic Forum after a two-year COVID-induced absence.


haven /?he?vn/ n. 安全的地方;保护区;避难所 ? The hotel is a haven of peace and tranquility. 这家旅馆是一处安宁的去处。

Oxfam said it expects 263 million people to sink into extreme poverty this year, at a rate of one million every 33 hours, as soaring inflation has added a cost-of-living crisis on top of COVID.


on top of 另外;熟练掌握;在……之上;紧接着。例句:He gets commission on top of his salary. 他除了薪金之外还拿佣金。

By comparison, 573 people became billionaires during the pandemic, or one every 30 hours.


"Billionaires are arriving in Davos to celebrate an incredible surge in their fortunes," Oxfam Executive Director Gabriela Bucher said in a statement.

乐施会执行主管Gabriela Bucher在一次声明中说道:“亿万富翁们正在前往达沃斯论坛庆祝他们难以置信暴涨的财富。”

"The pandemic and now the steep increases in food and energy prices have, simply put, been a bonanza for them," Bucher said.

Bucher 说:“简单地说,疫情以及现在食品和能源价格的急剧上涨对他们来说是一笔财富。”

bonanza n. /b??n?nz?/

1.发财(或成功)的机遇?a bonanza year for the computer industry 计算机行业兴旺发达的一年

2.兴盛;繁荣 ?the usual bonanza of sport in the summer 夏季体育运动的一贯热潮

"Meanwhile, decades of progress on extreme poverty are now in reverse and millions of people are facing impossible rises in the cost of simply staying alive," she said.


Oxfam called for a one-off "solidarity tax" on billionaires' pandemic windfall to support people facing soaring prices as well as fund a "fair and sustainable recovery" from the pandemic.


Windfall:1.意外之财;意外获得的东西?windfall profits 意外的利润 ?The government imposed a windfall tax (= a tax on profits to be paid once only, not every year) on some industries. 政府对某些行业征收暴利税。2. 风吹落的果子(尤指苹果

It also said it was time to "end crisis profiteering" by rolling out a "temporary excess profit tax" of 90 percent on windfall profits of big corporations. Oxfam added that an annual wealth tax on millionaires of two percent, and five percent for billionaires, could generate $2.52 trillion a year.


profiteering /?pr?f??t??r??/ n.牟取暴利

Roll out v. 正式推出(新产品),开展(新的政治运动);把……展开(或摊开);碾平,压平,擀平;离开(通常比预期的要晚)

Such a wealth tax would help lift 2.3 billion people out of poverty, make enough vaccines for the world and pay for universal health care for people in poorer countries, it said. Oxfam based its calculations on the Forbes list of billionaires and World Bank data.



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